Wednesday, November 19, 2008

AIDS Wolf -- Cities of Glass

Whoa, this is some noisy shit. Kind of like Arab on Radar with a female lead singer. Actually, a lot like that. Definitely not for everyone, but then what is?

VBR @ 256 kbps or so


Anonymous said...

thanks for this great album. i have an ep i got from bloodistruth a while back of these guys.

Brian Shimkovitz said...

i saw this band in chicago a few weeks ago when i was home visiting. i have to say i thought they were really not that interesting. BUT the band that opened for them was a revelation and reminded me why i love chicago so much: Mayor Daley (the band, not the politician) was INCREDIBLE. considering the stuff you post here, you should check them out. sooo good.

melonfarmer said...

hey thursdayborn -- thanks for the tip, i'll look for them.