Saturday, March 14, 2009

Harry Pussy -- Live 10''

I can't believe I've had this blog for months without posting this, the most joyful musical recording I've ever heard. Of their various live and studio albums and 7'', this one, which turned out to be their final live performance, best captures the Pussy essence. Listen for lead singer/drummer Adris Hoyos panting into her headset microphone in between songs.

192 kbps


Anonymous said...

hey - thank you! do you have any studio full-lengths from them? thank you in advance

melonfarmer said...

i used to have almost everything they've ever recorded in .mp3 format, but a hard drive crash cost me 120GB+ of music. i'll post more as i track it down.

Bobbie BS said...

I saw them right before the end. Truly one of the most heartfelt displays of positivity through noise one could imagine.

dx said...

Their first album can be found here:

Unknown said...

Anyone have the Transmission s/t?

melonfarmer said...

i've got it. i'll post it in a little bit. it doesn't compare to any of the HP stuff, in my opinion, but it's good for a listen or two.

Unknown said...

Thanks in advance and thanks for this album.

kevinesse said...

how to build a pussy? anyone?

Anonymous said...


I'd like to ask yuo about some bands I'm looking for,maybe you can help me

write me at almudeno69ATyahooDOTcom