Basically, this is Eyehategod. All the members are the same, minus one, and the music sounds pretty much the same, too. Although, apparently Eyehategod is still together. Go figure. Maybe they just finally realized what a stupid name Eyehategod is. Like, if that's what you want as your name, then just be I Hate God. For years I resisted listening to them because of the terrible name, but when I finally gave in I was hooked. They're great, and this is great, too.
VBR @ 220+ kbps
yo dawg! I heard you like corrupted so you put corrupt files in yo rar so can corrupt while listening to corrupted....
seriously though, I downloaded it twice and tracks 8, 9 and 11 are corrupt, says winrar.
huh, let me try again. thanks for the tip.
ok, it should be fixed now, though i'm not really sure what went wrong in the first place.
that did the trick. thanks.
make sure you check out Nissennenmondai!
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