This is probably my favorite "indie rock" album of all time, perhaps because that label doesn't really fit so well. It may also be my favorite album of the '90s, or at least in the top handful of albums, which is a much stronger statement. I guess these guys are still touring and playing songs from this album, although the lead singer has since become a Christian and started up Soul-Junk, a weird lo-fi hip-hop outfit whose lyrics pay tribute to a certain imaginary skygod. Anyway, you should really hear this if you haven't already. And you should re-hear it if it's been a while. This is their magnum opus -- 20 songs worth of unhinged lunacy. Spasm Smash is to '90s indie rock what Trout Mask Replica is to '60s/'70s folk/psych rock, what Double Nickels on the Dime or Zen Arcade is to '80s punk rock, and I could probably think of others if I tried. You owe it to yourself to know and love this album. Do it.
VBR @ 256+ kbps
I adore this album. I'm currently converting all their old 7" singles into mp3s, which is a pain if truth be told. But it's great to see such a love-filled post about them.
gracias. this has quickly become one of my favorite B-Logs on this here interwebs.
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